Looking at the commentary from 2002, wow, that’s a self-absorbed thing to say, as if pregnancy is only scary for the guy. There’s going to be a lot of this where I look back on my own work and regret some things, but instead of erasing or ignoring it I’m going to point out where I was wrong to think that. This is one of those cases. Maybe there are individuals who do use pregnancy to manipulate people but it’s really wrong of me to make a gross generalization like that. Also, the comment in the header of the strip is kinda gross, like I’d rather die than take responsibility. It was said to try and invoke humor, but fourteen years later I look at it and think, whoa, that’s really not the right thing to say at all.
Heck, everything seems tame in these early strips. I used blankets to cover up the naughty bits, something I wouldn’t have restrained myself from doing now. It’s funny when you look up from how deep you’ve gone down the slippery slope to see how innocent it really was when you started.
The inspiration? Well, besides it being a pretty standard set-up and punchline, I had my share of partners who used the “my period is late” manipulative ploy when things in the relationship were going sour. It worked too.