I had this idea for an epic reboot of Shuinji and the Suicide Girl, where it takes place in the future. There was this human/zombie war, and because of the huge human casualties humans sued for peace, and now zombies live among humans peacefully. They do this by closing brain tissue to feed the zombies so they no longer need to feast on human brains. In return, zombies agree not to eat any humans, unless the human gives permission to.
Zombies are now allied with humans in another war against the vampires. It’s probably more correct to say that both the zombies and vampires are both in competition for humans as food.
The new characters would have been Ishida, a zombie obviously, who enjoys tricking humans into giving her brains. I did a strip kind of hinting towards the storyline in a THL Theatre strip, which will probably find its way into the Sexy Losers continuity at some point.
Tomoe would be recast as a human and reluctant friend of Ishida, who stays one step ahead of her tricks.
Shiunji is revealed at some point as part of the vampire hoard, who has targeted Tomoe for a feast but is thwarted by Tomoe and Ishida.
I spent a lot of time thinking this one through. I did several rough comics in the series, but none of them got beyond that. It was probably a case of something being a little too ambitious. But who knows. Maybe someone out there likes this idea. I kind of rejected the “sexy zombie” thing after I saw some other comics try something similar.
SpiegelGeist says
I’d read the fuck outta this comic.