I didn’t always like Harry Potter. I saw the first movie in a movie theatre when it came out, and I wasn’t too impressed. It seemed too long, and I didn’t get the ending. I couldn’t understand why Professor Quirrell was defeated so easily by simply touching Harry … it seemed like an ending where Harry succeeded simply out of dumb luck or what I thought was a cheap deus ex machina. Had I given the second movie a shot I would have had a change of heart, but the first movie was not that great to me. The first half was how incredibly bad Harry’s life was and the second half literally him shitting luck.
The Order of the Phoenix happened to be on TV one night a number of years later, and I was amazed at how dark it turned. I quickly rewatched the series, and then read all the books over train rides in the span of one month. Now I understand the ending to the first movie, and I can enjoy everything about it.
This was a fun strip to draw. It was great being able to draw Harry, Hermione, and Ginny (the back of Ron’s head makes an appearance) and base it on the movie actors’. It’s the kind of strip that would have been at home when the strip was more regular and doesn’t seem forced to me, like many of the THIN H LINE Tumblr strips.
I had a bit of a conundrum at the end trying to figure out exactly how much Ginny would let the reader know that outing Harry wasn’t her primary intention, she was actually trying to sleep with Ron. I don’t like spelling out punchlines, so I hope I got it just right.
Ashley Langdon (@Ardarakaminskya) says
This is great XD. As someone who has read harry potter fanfiction, I can confirm that this is pretty tame.
Ivan says
Harry Potter universe has a lot of potentially for ˝great˝ parody comics:
The Adventures of Gay Dumbledore.
Sex slave Dobby and his master Harry.
S&M Bellatrix Lestrange.
Hagrid trying to fuck a giant.
Late night adventures of Ron and Harry.
Hermione the magical hermaphrodite.
clay says
I want to draw Snape. As soon as I think of an idea, he’s in there.
Thomas says
“Master has given Dobby a cock!”
clay says
I don’t think anyone really wants to see this.
Dobby says
Rule 47. Now I want to see this.
RJ says
Haha great to see you posting again! 😀
MidoriBird says
Haha! Even sort of goes along with JK Rowling’s regrets about Ron and Hermione!
blazeaceofaces says
This made me laugh pretty hard.
Lisa Stone says
the same)))) still can’t stop
Marek says
Well, this is the fandom that came up with literal brainfucking, after all…
Flaser says
Jesus Christ, it… er… he lives! I never thought I’d read another Sexy Loosers strip. You’ve still got the “touch” Clay, glad to see you working on this again!
clay says
It’s a side project for me while I work on more SFW stuff, but it’s still fun to draw.
Pevinsghost says
Probably don’t want a link to there from here, but I’d love to know where that is.
John says
At the end you should have made Harry’s face change back into Ron’s
clay says
There are no happy endings in this comic