I had this idea for an extended Shibata story for a long time, but the problem with Sexy Losers stories is the four panel format and that every fourth panel must have some kind of meaningful “punchline”. I had this problem with the Shiunji and the Suicide Girl series, which is why it took so long to finish. So one day I sat down and planned the whole story out and drew storyboards for all nine strips. So it shouldn’t take me 15 years to finish it.
I made the unfortunate decision to add Tic Tacs to the dialogue, not knowing that they would play a small part in the 2016 American election.
I originally had a reason for why Mrs. Shibata was drinking so much wine. In the original story I had, her husband left her for a woman who did Marvel cosplay. But it was already going to be nine strips, so that detail got scrapped and instead he’s gone on a business trip.
I’m sorry this is starting off slow, but it will go somewhere interesting I hope. These first few strips are just laying down the groundwork.
love your work! 🙂
Thank you!
So glad this site is updated again
Love it. Keep it up!
Good to see some SL. Always enjoyed them in some dark humor ways.
Can’t wait to see 2-9 😀
2-9 will be out after the Harry Potter strip. It’s already in the middle of being coloured.
Decided to have a laugh over ‘Kenta’s horny mom’ for the first time in years only to find out a new strip was released fucking yesterday? It must have called for me …
proof! you can’t keep a Hard man down.
Man you don’t know how happy I am to see you back.
When I discovered this page I instantly read through all of the comics that were available and was left wanting more.
Your humor is great, the only thing that currently makes me laugh are some episodes of South Park and your comics. It is really hard to find great sources of dark humor (which I love) and I’m glad to hear that there’s a lot of new comics coming.
Yes your Back!
Ah i missed this humor.
Keep in up!
I was hoping this was a haiku…
The Big Bang
come at me
you ask, we give.(3)(8)(3)(8)
But no, always loved your humor, friend gave me the link to your website about dirty Star-Wars Jokes. been following since #005.
Heck when ICANN allowed new tdl’s and i noticed .sexy i registered it. Hench why http://losers.sexy links to your website.. can’t tribute you more.
Wow, so it does … that’s amazing, thank you very much!
Oh fuck, are you at it again? There goes my productivity at work 0-o
The early suicide girl strip where she’s about to jump has been passed around the internet for ages. Saw it again and finally saw “Sexy Losers” as credits and I am so happy at what I found. Keep it up mah dude.
Yup, the most stolen strip I’ve ever done. But thanks for following through and looking up the source, it’s greatly appreciated!
Love the little hearts in the “Shlick shlick shlick” in the last panel!
The shlick of love ❤
hi, you are very talented artist!