It refers to strip poker, the very first “sex” computer game, on the old IBM PC in the 80s. You played poker with the PC against a pic of a clothed girl. When it (she) lost a round, it would show a pic of the girl with one less piece of clothing on. The crappy 1-bit color-depth (i.e., B&W) hires mode of CGA graphics was crudely pixelated.
Nevertheless, naked girl pix were very hard to cum by back then without humiliating yourself at the magazine store. And naked girls had NEVER been seen on a computer monitor before.
The problem was, if you only played to see the naked girl at the end of the game, you had to play a dozen or so hands of poker. The solution for me and I assume all the other clever, wretched geeks was to rename the image files it loaded so that the first picture shown (with all her clothes on) instead showed the last one, with her naked.
But it was too creepy for me. That naked pic had text at the bottom that said “When you’re finished looking, press any key.” It sounded too close to “If you’re finished yanking, press any key,”
After 35 years, I’m still a wretched geek without a GF, but at least now I can yank off to 4K movies of every perverted fantasy I can think of.
How? What? I dont get it?
me either
He couldn’t figure out how to get her to do it so he made it so she *couldn’t* refuse.
It refers to strip poker, the very first “sex” computer game, on the old IBM PC in the 80s. You played poker with the PC against a pic of a clothed girl. When it (she) lost a round, it would show a pic of the girl with one less piece of clothing on. The crappy 1-bit color-depth (i.e., B&W) hires mode of CGA graphics was crudely pixelated.
Nevertheless, naked girl pix were very hard to cum by back then without humiliating yourself at the magazine store. And naked girls had NEVER been seen on a computer monitor before.
The problem was, if you only played to see the naked girl at the end of the game, you had to play a dozen or so hands of poker. The solution for me and I assume all the other clever, wretched geeks was to rename the image files it loaded so that the first picture shown (with all her clothes on) instead showed the last one, with her naked.
But it was too creepy for me. That naked pic had text at the bottom that said “When you’re finished looking, press any key.” It sounded too close to “If you’re finished yanking, press any key,”
After 35 years, I’m still a wretched geek without a GF, but at least now I can yank off to 4K movies of every perverted fantasy I can think of.
Pus ça change, plus c’est la ma’am shows.
Wait, Nina Matsumoto did the guest art for this? Wow!