I like to save all the comics that make me smile. And when I get a new computer I like to revisit and read and save all the comics again. Some comic artists I save every tenth or so, some every twentieth. But this one I save about one in every four.
She does make a good Poison Ivy. However what annoys me about this comic is a theme that would also make a good strip over at depressioncomix. A situation where you just had enough of something and if you ask someone for advice they tell you how glad you should be that you have it and stop complaining.
For me it was that I had enough of sitting in my room all day long and playing video games. I was bored with that lifestyle and when I asked a friend she told me I should be glad that I have the time to sit around all day and my day is not as busy as hers.
From that I learned not to ask bad friends for advice or that by asking for advice you can see which friends are good and which are bad. Also that if you want to be helpful, take someones complaints serious, no matter how they may look to you and give them advice. Don’t talk about yourself in that moment, it’s of no use to them.
It is not quite the conversation I had in mind. I thought about the friend talking about her problems, not those of the ominous but always mentioned “other people”.
But the result is just as terrible. The sufferer comes looking for help and what he gets is more suffering. Wonderful. Except, of course not.
This is not the pefect place to mention it, but I think your depressioncomix series is the best comic about depression and related topics I have ever seen and likewise one of the best media to mediate to someone what depression is and how it feels.
I thank you for that in my own name and I find it fair to thank you for that in the name of all depressed people who can read and understand english and pictures.
I like to save all the comics that make me smile. And when I get a new computer I like to revisit and read and save all the comics again. Some comic artists I save every tenth or so, some every twentieth. But this one I save about one in every four.
She does make a good Poison Ivy. However what annoys me about this comic is a theme that would also make a good strip over at depressioncomix. A situation where you just had enough of something and if you ask someone for advice they tell you how glad you should be that you have it and stop complaining.
For me it was that I had enough of sitting in my room all day long and playing video games. I was bored with that lifestyle and when I asked a friend she told me I should be glad that I have the time to sit around all day and my day is not as busy as hers.
From that I learned not to ask bad friends for advice or that by asking for advice you can see which friends are good and which are bad. Also that if you want to be helpful, take someones complaints serious, no matter how they may look to you and give them advice. Don’t talk about yourself in that moment, it’s of no use to them.
I have done that strip actually, it’s depression comix #21 (https://www.depressioncomix.com/posts/021/) .
It is not quite the conversation I had in mind. I thought about the friend talking about her problems, not those of the ominous but always mentioned “other people”.
But the result is just as terrible. The sufferer comes looking for help and what he gets is more suffering. Wonderful. Except, of course not.
This is not the pefect place to mention it, but I think your depressioncomix series is the best comic about depression and related topics I have ever seen and likewise one of the best media to mediate to someone what depression is and how it feels.
I thank you for that in my own name and I find it fair to thank you for that in the name of all depressed people who can read and understand english and pictures.