Obviously the Shiunji thread hit a bit of a wall at some point. Having Shiunji get the dead girlfriend really made it difficult for the thread to continue — having the characters get what they want is not nearly as interesting as having them try to get it. I had to open up the strip somehow to give more comedic options — after all, Shiunji wanting to have sex with dead people is funny, Shiunji HAVING sex with dead people is CREEPY. So to keep the thread alive, I had Shiunji look for work in a mortuary.
The first panel I copied from a book I bought in Japan with scenes from a subway station. At the time, there were dozens of such books for artists to use for reference materials long before the internet had an image search.
Looking at the last panel, I can say holy shit, I was not concerned about perspective at this point.
Blobcha says
Oh this is just beautiful.
Husnu Yusuf says
“If you can’t stand be with the dead, you should stand back the dead.” -Shiunji