Commentary from December 27, 2002
Before the age of web cams where we could either 1) see the bored expressions of guys staring blankly into their monitor or 2) 13 year olds trying to lick themselves for Amazon gifts, there were scanners. I had come across a site where women had scanned their naked breasts and thought to myself why isn’t there a site for guys to scan THEIR stuff (of course, there is, but I didn’t know that at the time). Following that thought, sooner or later I arrived at this strip. I’m absolutely sure I’m not the first guy to think of scanning their stuff. I don’t know if the bulb is warm or not, but it seemed reasonable if it was warm, it might feel good.
One of my big mistakes is that the chatters have great spelling. My experience with AIM is that most people can barely spell their own name let alone “Rorschach.”
I had one of my friends comment that the scan in the last panel looks too real, like I had fucked a scanner myself to see what it looked like. I assure you, I did not.
Light Yagami says
DAMN! My laptop that I am reading this on and my iPod are bot dying and I only have one adapter…
Jim says
It could’ve been a great strip in the series of “…and that’s the story of how you were born!”
Antonio says
Wow, 22 years ago. I remember reading some of these a very long time ago. Did you ever learn how to spell “definitely”? 🙂