One of the things the “Fuckability Scale” did not cover is if said woman would find us fuckable. It was always a non sequitur because I think we all understood deep down beyond the false machismo that the answer would be a resounding “probably not.”
I was also inspired by a Heartbreak Angels strip where a guy unashamedly whacks off in a convenience store, using the magazines on the rack as jerk fodder.
This is one of my favorite strips because of its simplicity. The understated punchline is a classic, I think. The character I thought was interesting enough to warrant more strips. Mike is also one of the few characters I managed to hit right on in character design, and never really changes, even in the clothes he wears. I think the V-neck T-shirt was some kind of nod to Sugoi Yo!! Masaru-san. The couch also makes its first appearance here. It’s the same couch that appears in most of the Mike strips, though its size changes depending on how many people I want to draw in it. Sometimes it’s a one seater, sometimes it’s a love seat. I did this on purpose, though NO ONE has ever commented on the sofa’s elasticity.
Lucas Kikkawa says
This is epic, like it couldn’t get simpler than this. Such a powerful and simple punchline kkkk