Commentary from July 16, 2002
At this point, the swearing friend had achieved his legendary status, and my IRC chats went along the lines of the group of us trying to come up with good swearing friend lines. Corey Lewis had the best one, “You fuck cows in retrospect” which didn’t appear until #034. Corey was quite pissed with me for not using it in this one. I did, however, use MY best line, which appears in the last panel of the comic. “OCAD” was the channel name where these discussions took place.
The third panel with the text in the background was an experiment for me. It was supposed to show that all that crap talk was on his mind and hindering his performance. I don’t know whether or not it actually worked, though no one ever complained.
I used to read this site daily nearly two decades ago back when I was at an age where I definitely shouldn’t be reading it and I just wanted to say that ever since then the phrase “if you can’t stand the pus don’t pop the zit, you fuck” has been part of my vocabulary and used ironically in certain situations. Some things you just don’t forget (also the infamous Suicide Girl neckfuck drawing). Bless you.
i remember these comics being way dirtier. have they been edited?
No, they are exactly how they were presented except for a rescan of the art I did in 2001. The bar is just much lower/higher now for dirty humor.
“Your fuck is shit, dickass” is one of my favorite lines ever. I laughed out loud when I read it the first time and was eagerly waiting for it now that I’m re-reading everything. Corey’s cow line is great but wouldn’t have fit this one so well.