This page is actually kind of a true story. I had a friend in university and his name was Ron S. He had the kind of sex life most men would kill for. He had charming Italian good looks, and just loved to get women in bed. And he was good at it too. And while he was romancing every woman within eyesight, we were just there, shaking our heads in disapproval of his lifestyle while being secretly jealous of it.
One time we both knew this woman in our class, and of course, Ron wanted to have sex with her. I tried to warn her (which was an awful thing for me to do in retrospect, and I’m ashamed of that) but I was no match for Ron, and he ended up dating her for a very predictably brief time.
In the Bomb Shelter, the university pub where we drank a lot, Ron told me a story. He was having sex with her, and he stammered out, “I love.. I love…” and she was like, “You love me?” He replied, “No, I mean I love fucking you.” He said she got pretty pissy about it, but let him finish, unlike the strip you see. It became one of many of Ron’s stories and they appear from time to time in the strip.
Here’s to you, Ron. I hope you’re still living it up.
Jim says
I actually used that line – inspired by the strip of course – with an ex who said “I love you” during sex. We knew each other like two days.
I felt that I HAD to say something so… yeah..
It took me a while to realize that she’d say all kind of things while climaxing, unknowingly and won’t even remember it later.
Dominick A Carrillo says
Still had sex.