So back in the early days, the THIN H LINE was read mainly by people I knew personally and considered friends. I’ve seen people on BBSes brag about how they were fans from the first strip. They are not telling the truth … the first few strips were shared with friends. It did not really show any signs of being read by anyone else until at least #20.
One of my friends was a female friend. She was a person I considered my best friend at the time, and she was just as perverted in thinking as I was. We talked on the phone loads, and in many of these phone calls I got sparks for an idea for the strip. This was one. She had to go to the bathroom really bad, and she said, basically, when a woman had to go, she HAD to go. Obviously, I thought of a worst case scenario. The strip came out of that.
In the third panel, the guy is doing a typical two-finger Rumiko Takahashi sign.
Sharon says
Yes it happens. But his could be fun.
Tachyon Railgun says
This was made exactly, to the day, 3 years before I was born.