Commentary from June 26, 2002
Madame X makes a second appearance, and for the most part, this one establishes the formula that you’ll see in the rest of the Madame X strips, save the behaviour of Touro’s friends. Although slightly skeptical, they seem pretty nice compared to the next few strips where they become just outright hostile. Also the second friend’s “But you said nothing happened last time” seems like a doctoral thesis compared to the nonsensical profanity fests which he becomes famous for later on.
The final two panels were horrible to layout properly. The constraint of the four panel strip was really apparent in this one, where I wanted to establish people in certain positions yet minimize height as much as possible. This took me a long time to draw and I can’t say I’m very happy with how it turned out. This was one case of many cases where I just said “fuck it” in frustration of drawing an arm or something for the tenth time and hoped that the joke would carry the strip for the mistakes in the art.
Leaving a comment for the fish.